
ahhhh......the semester is almost over. I can't believe it! Tomorrow is the last day of class and then we have our final in about a week! This class was very hard, but a very rewarding one as well. To do really well in the class one needed to study every day. Although I did not study as much as I should have I have learned a lot and know how to study for next semester. The speech project I thought was a good idea. It made us have to use what we had learned in a small concise speech which was then to be spoken in a fluent manner. It helped me to try to say something short and sweet. Not only that but I spoke using notes to prompt me. This whole blog assignment was at times a hassle, but I think in the long run was beneficial. It helped that when we had projects like the speech, we could post it on our blogs for our group members to see and read/edit.


私のおとうさんのしごとは日本にありましたから、こどもの時私は七ねんかん日本にいました。私のおとうさんのかいしゃは私のうちをかいましたから、私は大きいうちがありました。でも、私のうちのうらにわはちょっとちいさかったですから、私はいぬがいてはいけませんでした。うらにわはえいごでbackyardといます。 バスていは私のうちのそばじゃありませんでしたから、私はたいていバスていに私のじてんしゃにのって、学こうまでバスにのりました。でも、私は時々学こうまででんしゃにのりました。
私の学こうはこくさい学こうでした。私はまい日私のへやで四時かんぐらいべんきょうしましたから、 私のクラスはやさしかったです。それから、私のともだちもクラスにいましたから、クラスはつまらなくありませんですした。私の学こうは学こうのこうえんにとても大きいスライドがありました。私はスライドが大すきでしたから、私はまい日ともだちとスライドであそんで、とてもたのしかったです。私はにほんにまい日あたらしいけいけんがありましたから、こどもの時私はおもしろいせいかつがありました。けいけんはえいごでexperienceといます。

Characters- 492


Oh and I also forgot to talk about me being one of the peers. I thought it was beneficial to whose speech I was correcting, because it is always good to get someone else's opinion and corrections if need be. I received very constructive feedback and was able to really re-think my speech and I was able to really rework my speech for the better.

Peer Reading/Editing

I would just like to say that the peer reading/editing was very effective. Having my peers read/edit my speech was very beneficial because for one they were able to give reasons for their adjustments. Where it is harder to talk to Sato-sensei becauase she might be giving her reasons for her corrections to other students in the class or also the other classes. Since I had many corrections on my first draft, it helped having my peers talk to me instead of Sato-sensei, because it was less intimidating. Not to mention that they have probably had those days too and so, understood more. Another good reason for having peer reading/editing is to be shown other writing structures and other ways of writing certain sentences. The only thing negative I have to say about the peer reading/editing is that sometimes my peers might not know how to correct a mistake or even point out a mistake at all. Also if one of my peers corrected my speech, but the corrections were wrong. All in all I think that peer reading/editing works very well.




こどもの時に私は七ねんかん日本にいました。 私のおとうさんのかいしゃは日本にありましたから。おとうさんのかいしゃは私のうちをかいましたから、私は大きいうちがありました。でも、私のうちのうらにわはちょっとちいさいですから、私はいぬがあってはいけませんでした。うらにわはえいごでbackyardといます。
私のおとうさんはくるまにのって、私のうちのそばのバスていはそばじゃありませんでしたから、私はバスていにじてんしゃにのって、学こうにバスにのりました。私の学こうで日本ごをはなしてはいけませんでしたが、日本ごのクラスで日本ごをはなしてもよっかたです。 私の学こうはこくさい学こうでしたから。なまえはセインット・メアリーズです。
時々私はきょうかしょがわすれました。それから、私のおかあさんにでんわをかけて、私のおかあさんはあとで学こうにきょうかしょをもってきました。でも、私はいい学生でしたよ。 私はしゅくだいをしましたから。それから、学こうをやすみませんでした。たばこもぜんぜんすいませんでした。



こどもの時に私は七ねんかん日本にいました。私のおとうさんのかいしゃは日本にありましたから。おとうさんのかいしゃはうちをかいましたから、私はかぞくと私は大きいうちにいました。私のうちはこうえんのそばにありました。こうえんはとてもきれいです。こうえんに木がありました。それから、私のうちはがっこうのそばにもありました。私のがっこうはこくさいがっこうです。だから、私は日本人とイギリス人とアメリカ人にあいました。がっこうでえいごをはなしましたが、日本ごははなしてはいけませんでした。だから、日本ごをあまりはなしませんでした。それから、いま、さとうせんせいは私に日本ごをおしえます。でも、 日本ごを大すきです。それから、日本のれきしと日本のぶんかも大すきです。だから、日本が大すきですよ。日本に一人でじゃありませんでした。私はおにいさんにあそんで、一ばんともだちです。いっしょうにテレビゲームをして、そばのこうえんであそびました。それから、いっしょうにテレビをみました。とてもよかったです。

かいしゃ- business
ぶんか- culture













oh and also I wanted to mention what a good blog is. It should be entertaining and insightful. although at the moment it doesn't seem like my blog is that entertaining or insightful, but maybe I just haven't been doing anything entertaining lately. Hopefully next time I'll have some stories to talk about.
日本ごのクラスに行きました。それから、ひるごはんをたべませんでした。でも、わたしのともだちにあいました。わたしのともだちはカリフォルニアからきました。So I'm pretty excited about that. He is the first person from home I have seen. It's always good to see a familiar face! I also think that this wekend will be a lot of fun.


So I took the ch.2 test today. The worst part about it was when I couldn't remember how to spell sandwich....in English! So that was a little embarassing on my part. Although I feel like I am forgetting a lot of things now a days, but like people have been given a clean start, so have I.....with a new chapter. I have decided that I shall put more effort into this chapter than EVER BEFORE!!!(like the emphasis?) Eventhough I do have a really hard midterm coming up next week, nonetheless I shall succeed.


Well, let's start off with this week seemed pretty hectic to me. Not to mention that I just remembered that I didn't do the mallard quiz today....so it's late and is the second week in a row that i forgot which annoys me a lot. And I definitely was trying to get things in early.....but o well. There's always next time.

On to happier things. I went to a Pinback concert at the Satellite Ballroom last night. And that was amazing. And to clarify, the Satellite Ballroom is on the corner. You turn down the alley way right next to Lil' Johns. Also, I am still very happy that we are now on to verbs!

I am one of the few people that is staying here for fall break. I hope that I can get lots of work done and catch up in all my classes and maybe get ahead....which is a thought. But wish me luck when I take a shower either tomorrow or Sunday when there will be no hot water. YES!!!!!



I am now typing this, after a short nap of mine, right before this next blog is due. So lets just say that my productivity is pretty slow. Hopefully soon I can get my act together and study a lot more and actually do the work on time or even better....early!

So back to Japan and all its goodness. I like watching Japanese movies especially しちにんのさむらい or らしょもん (hopefully I am spelling them correctly). I have watched some anime in my time and I'm not obsessed but it can be pretty entertaining. So if you want to watch any Japanese movies (including anime) and have them, because I have none, then let me know. Oh I have "Lost in Translation" which is amazing and funny....so if anyone wants to watch that just let me know.




So. This is my first attempt at blogging. I have never done this before eventhough I would say I have a pretty high level of experience on the computer.

Reasons for taking Japanese: well the main reason is because I love the Japanese culture and language. I lived in Tokyo for about seven years beginning at the age of 1. As my early childhood consisted of being surrounded primarily by the Japanese culture and language I have felt a close relation to both. Although unfortunetly when I was there I did not learn to speak Japanese except for konnichwa, konbanwa, ohayoo gozaimasu, and itadakimasu. I started taking Japanese classes a few years back, but of course the quality of the class was nothing compared to here at UVA. I am hoping that now I can finally start to fully master this language.

Now I'm not exactly sure what else to put in here....or how long it should be....so I shall leave it at this.

Hantaa Dansu