
I am now typing this, after a short nap of mine, right before this next blog is due. So lets just say that my productivity is pretty slow. Hopefully soon I can get my act together and study a lot more and actually do the work on time or even better....early!

So back to Japan and all its goodness. I like watching Japanese movies especially しちにんのさむらい or らしょもん (hopefully I am spelling them correctly). I have watched some anime in my time and I'm not obsessed but it can be pretty entertaining. So if you want to watch any Japanese movies (including anime) and have them, because I have none, then let me know. Oh I have "Lost in Translation" which is amazing and funny....so if anyone wants to watch that just let me know.



3 件のコメント:

LeiseS さんのコメント...

I don't know how I feel about Lost In Translation...It was very cool at times, and pretty to look at it, but I feel like a lot of the Japan it showed was a little touristy? It's been a while since I've seen it though.. It does have that awesome Peaches song during the strip club scene though!!!

Kappa さんのコメント...

I think it's just been one of those weeks where you're forced to slow down. But, vacation on the horizon! あした!

I'm not a huge fan of Lost in Translation, personally. I dunno if I'd call it touristy per se, but that might be a bettwe for it than I can think of.

We should all try and do some inter-class get-togethers or something, and movies sound like a good idea to me!

Lauren C. さんのコメント...

I've never seen Lost in Translation, but I went to VA Governor's School in the Summer of '06, and we studied a lot of Akira Kurosawa's works, including しちにんのさむらい and らしょうもん. Have you seen Kurosawa's "Dreams"? If not, it's quite interesting, both simply for face value entertainment, as well as commentary on Japanese life and the world in general. On a similar strain, if you enjoy Japanese movies, have you seen "Samurai Fiction"? It is HILARIOUS. I would recommend it if you haven't seen it. I haven't found it anywhere, but you must be able to find it somewhere, because we wached that at Gov. School as well.