



oh and also I wanted to mention what a good blog is. It should be entertaining and insightful. although at the moment it doesn't seem like my blog is that entertaining or insightful, but maybe I just haven't been doing anything entertaining lately. Hopefully next time I'll have some stories to talk about.
日本ごのクラスに行きました。それから、ひるごはんをたべませんでした。でも、わたしのともだちにあいました。わたしのともだちはカリフォルニアからきました。So I'm pretty excited about that. He is the first person from home I have seen. It's always good to see a familiar face! I also think that this wekend will be a lot of fun.


So I took the ch.2 test today. The worst part about it was when I couldn't remember how to spell sandwich....in English! So that was a little embarassing on my part. Although I feel like I am forgetting a lot of things now a days, but like people have been given a clean start, so have I.....with a new chapter. I have decided that I shall put more effort into this chapter than EVER BEFORE!!!(like the emphasis?) Eventhough I do have a really hard midterm coming up next week, nonetheless I shall succeed.


Well, let's start off with this week seemed pretty hectic to me. Not to mention that I just remembered that I didn't do the mallard quiz today....so it's late and is the second week in a row that i forgot which annoys me a lot. And I definitely was trying to get things in early.....but o well. There's always next time.

On to happier things. I went to a Pinback concert at the Satellite Ballroom last night. And that was amazing. And to clarify, the Satellite Ballroom is on the corner. You turn down the alley way right next to Lil' Johns. Also, I am still very happy that we are now on to verbs!

I am one of the few people that is staying here for fall break. I hope that I can get lots of work done and catch up in all my classes and maybe get ahead....which is a thought. But wish me luck when I take a shower either tomorrow or Sunday when there will be no hot water. YES!!!!!
